Have you watched Sandman on Netflix yet? Wes and Bertie won’t stop going on about it. But they both come at it from different points of view. Bertie is a newcomer to Sandman whereas Wes is a devoted fan of the comics. So does it do those comics justice, and can a newcomer enjoy it just the same? We mushed Wes and Bertie together to find out. Bertie: I’d heard a lot about Sandman. It’s one of those hallowed comics or graphic novels or whatever it is - the point is, I didn’t really know. And it seems it’s equally hard to get into because the written story doesn’t follow a very coherent structure, so when I went into the local comic shop, feeling inspired to read it, I was soon put off by the enormous amount of Sandman I saw, and where to even begin. This Netflix series, then, was the perfect in. Had you read it before you watched it?